Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Week 8: Build Load Appliances

Week No: 8
Date: 14/3/2012

Title of Activity: Build Load Appliances


1) To realizing what have been plan before.
2) To integrate with other circuit to make this project work.
3) To make people see how this project can control motor or electrical machine
4) To make the star-delta and forward reverse motor starter circuit before connected to motor.
5) To protect motor from large starting current.
6) To control motor speed, power and direction.

Content / Procedure:

1) List down all the component that will be used in the circuit.
2) Draw the circuit of star-delta and forward reverse on the paper for reference.
3) Do the wiring according to the circuit.
4) Test the circuit.

Result and analysis:

1) The circuit consist of:
 - Ac contector 
 - Cable 2.5 mm
 - Overload relay (2x)
 - Timer
 - Miniature circuit breaker (2x)
All these component will be used in the circuit

2) Ac contector function is to control the circuit, this as contactor have a normally open and normally close like relay and can be use with timer to make the circuit to operate according to what we plan.

3) Cable 2.5mm is the usual size of cable that being used, but if the horse power of the motor is bigger or the current that will be passing through is large, we have to used a bigger size cable. The size of the cable can be refer to the table in IEE rules and regulation book.

4) Overload relay function is to control the current in the circuit, if the overload current happens in the circuit or current flow is bigger than the value that we set, it will trip and stop the motor.
5) Timer function is to delay some action in the circuit, and usually it will be use with the ac contector.

6) Miniature circuit breaker function is to trip when this is a over current in the circuit, over current happen when short circuit happens and this device is to protect the user from shock.


1) The motor that i will be use in this project is squirrel cage induction motor and the motor starter circuit that i will use is suitable with the motor based on cable size and miniature circuit breaker size.

2) For now i will make the motor starter circuit only and connect with the motor when all thing is done.

3) This motor starter circuit will be connected with load driving circuit to make it work.

Picture of Stat-Delta and Forward Reverse starter circuit:

Figure 1: Main star-delta circuitry 

Figure 2: Control star-delta circuitry

Figure 3: Main and control Forward Reverse circuitry

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