Thursday, 23 February 2012

Week 5: Load Driving Development Circuit

Week No: 5
Date: 23/2/2012

Title of Activity: Load driving development circuit


1) To realizing what have been plan before
2) To integrate with other circuit to make this project work
3) To drive the load on and off when we need it to

Content / Procedure:

1) List down all the component used in the circuit.
2) Draw the circuit in PCB lab and print out the circuit.
3) Hatching the circuit according to the setting in the PCB layout.
4) Solder the component on the circuit board.
5) Test the circuit.

Result and Analysis:

1) The circuit board consist of:
 - RWH relay (x4)
 - Wire connector (x4)
All these component will be attached to the board.

2) RWH relay function is to switching the load or the connector that will be used to control the motor or machine. The switching capacity of the RWH relay is 10 A, spite of miniature size to comply with user's wide selection.

3) Wire connector is to connect between board and load.


1) The load driving circuit need to be design more specific and functional, to make it run smoothly.

2) This circuit need to be functional because it control the load operation. 

Picture of Load Driving Circuit:

Figure 1: Top view

Figure 2: Bottom viwe

Figure 3: Complete view 

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Week 4: PCB Layout Design and Micro-controller Development Circuit

Week No: 4
Date: 16/2/2012

Title of Activity: PCB layout design and micro-controller development circuit


1) To estimate the main circuit board look like.
2) To make the design as small as possible.
3) To integrate all the component in the board.

Content / Procedure:

1) List down all the control component. 
2) Draw the circuit in PCB lab and print out the circuit.
3) Hatching the circuit regarding on that had setting in the PCB lab layout.
4) Solder the component on the circuit board.
5) Test the circuit.

Result and Analysis:

1) The main circuit board consist of :
     -  programmable integrated circuit (PIC)
     - MAX 232 integrated circuit (2x)
     - ULN 2003 integrated circuit
     - RS 232 port (2x)
     All of these element will be attached to the board

2) MAX 232 is the voltage level converter. It converts voltage level from CMOS (microsontroller output is CMOS) to TTL (PC output is TTL) and vice versa. But it drives voltage level from one to another voltage that is why it is also called voltage driver IC.

3) RS 232 was adopted as a standard for serial binary data signals connecting between a DTE (Data  Terminal Equipment) and DCE (Data Circuit-terminating Equipment). It is commonly used in computer serial ports. 

4) ULN 2003 is to drive the inductor type of load.


1) The main circuit board need to be design more specific and functional, so that it can run smoothly.
2) MAX232 and RS232 need to be functional because it will communicate with the computer.
3) ULN2003 need to work properly because it will has to increase the voltage.

                                                       Figure 1: schematic design

Figure 2: PCB layout

                                                       Figure 3: Component placement 

Figure 4: Complete circuit 

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Week 3: Plan all the circuitry development

Week no: 3
Date: 9/2/2012

Title of Activities: Plan all the circuitry development


1) To make sure the circuit that i want to use in the project can work properly with other circuit.
2)  For easy to troubleshoot if there is any problem

Content / Procedure:

1) Search on the internet about the circuit that will be used in the project
2) Look for the circuit in the book or note that been given by lecturer 
3) Ask project supervisor about the circuit that will be use in the project
4) After found all the circuit that will be used in the project, consult with project supervisor about effectiveness and suitability of the circuit.


1) Current sensing circuit
2) Relay circuit 
3) Motor control circuit

                                                       Figure 1: Current sensing circuit

                                                                   Figure 2: Relay circuit

                                                     Figure 3: Forward reverse circuit for AC motor


1) After consulting with my project supervisor Dr. Mohd Khairil Rahmat, he approve all the circuit that i have choose for this project.

2) All of this circuit is reasonable to do in the given time.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Week 2: Block Diagram and Flow Chart

Week no: 2
Date: 2/2/2012

Title of Activities: Block Diagram and Flow Chart 


1) To make this project is easy to understand and look reliable.
2) To test write the program in the proper way.

Content / Procedure:

1) Making the block diagram from input processor & output.
2) To make a flow in the proper way to write the program.
3) Understanding how the project operate by referring to the flowchart & block diagram.

Result and Analysis :

1) By using a block diagram to understand this project more easier.
2) The flowchart is made to start the program writing. 3) Understanding how the project operate by referring to the flowchart & block diagram.
2) Thus, the flowchart is really important in this project. So that, the progress will be going smoothly without any disturbances.

Conclusion :

1) By using block diagram & flowchart, it can give more understanding about the flow of the program to finish up this project well.

2) Thus, the flowchart is really important in this project. So that, the progress will be going smoothly without any disturbances.

Flow of the Project: 

Block Diagram of the Project: